ACINTaD partners with the ITC GENEVA in a Two-Day Workshop on “SHETRADES IN THE COMMONWEALTH”
January 22, 2019
Sensitize Ghanaians about the African Continental Free Trade Agreement – ACINTaD
July 12, 2019Africa Centre for International Trade and Development (ACINTaD) partners International Trade Centre(ITC) in Switzerland for the second time for a two-day Workshop for women entrepreneurs in Accra, Ghana.
Great news for women entrepreneurs!!!!!!!! Africa Centre for International Trade and Development (ACINTaD) partners International Trade Centre(ITC) in Switzerland for the second time for a two-day Workshop for women entrepreneurs in Accra, Ghana.
Are you a female entrepreneur? Do you own a business in textile and Apparel sector, Shea Butter or IT/ITES/BPO? Are you preparing for the Export market?
ITC/SheTrades presents a free workshop dubbed “Preparing for the Export Market” for Women- owned business.
1 7th June 2019 – only registration of businesses on Shetrades online platform
18th -19th June 2019 – Workshop
Time: 8am-3pm
Venue: Tang Palace, Accra
Places are limited, if interested
Please call 0208284373 for further information.
Register now by clicking on the link below
Unregistered participants will not be admitted.
Bring along company registration documents.